I have not blogged in 4-ever (sandlot), despite the fact i have made several mental notes about my upcoming blog. So, tonight is the last night I have to work on my "critical analysis paper" due in the AM. Mind you I have no idea what im suppose to be critically analyzing. What if I get lucky??? What if I can critically analyze anything I want and use my own sources?? I would write about something i give a shit about , like....hip hop, fashion, the evolution of it. Hell anything, except this long dry list of "nothing" !! I love to express myself thru words but im blank when it comes to shiii i dont care about. Im like that with everything i guess , so if your speaking to me and I have a blank stare , turn around and go parallel from where u came from. Oh, and I have this paper to write and i just got 'season 6 of sex in the city part 2" sooo my plan is too watch then write. Oh and talk to my sis so we can plan this mini vacay 4 my b day this weekend. Im such a procrastinator and i was going to make a new years promise but its the end of Jan and I still havent made my list. Oh and im always the one yelling " im focused" and I am just on the things I care about the rest is excess. People in my life also fail to realize i can write my own wrongs, i can give you a whole list of imperfections but..thats where it stops. Dont do what you see and hear me do, i cant accept criticism that kindly so ease into if you must!! Although, there is this guy a very special guy to me who told me I was conceited (whoooaaa) I was so surprised with his boldness i think i like him more, he is the one exception (that 1 time)......'ADD' much?